

Contact Me/PR

Email Me: Natashaatkerson94(at)gmail(dot)com (please include my name-Natasha-in the subject line)
I'm more than willing to answer questions, or to be interviewed. I also do product reviews*. Feel free to contact me regarding your company, or you can leave me a comment.

*Product Reviews
A product review in simple terms-
  • A company sends me a product for free in exchange for:
  • My honest opinion of the product-in the form of a post.
  • Posts include my overall satisfaction with the product quailty, my experience with the company etc.
  • Companies who send me products receive one month of ad space on my sidebar FREE (I reserve the right to refuse any images I feel are inappropriate).
Companies also receive:
A space on my Product Reviews page
A listing on my blog roll under the modest clothing section (if applicable).