

Our Mission

Natasha Atkerson's mission is to help girls-of all ages-to dress in feminine, Godly, modest fashion. Cute modest fashion can be hard to come by! But I'm hoping that through this blog, ladies will realize that stylish  modest fashion blogs do exist and that they're not alone in their pursuit of modesty. By banding together, hopefully we can encourage one another not to compromise our standards and keep our personal style, while not showing too much skin. Modesty doesn't have to hold you back. With this blog, I hope to lead by example.

I focus mostly on fashion, but when I feel led I cover other topics as well. Everything from self esteem, to just being a girl in today's world.

I believe we can show Jesus' love in many ways and this is one of the ways I feel He has given me. I'm the least in His Kingdom, but I feel He is using me to reach people through this blog.

Copy and paste on your blog if you believe thisI'm a born again Christian, Jesus is my Savior. I believe that Jesus -God's Son- died on the cross for my sins; and rose again. I believe that God is Father, Son And Holy Spirit, three beings in one. I believe that Jesus is and always will be the only perfect person. I believe in Creation-not Evolution-that God created everything with a specific purpose, and that He didn't just put us here on the Earth to abandon us.

I believe that God has led me to create this blog, and has equipped me with everything I possess. If this blog isn't about Him, and teaching His Daughters, then I don't want to do it anymore.

If you would like to interview Natasha via email, please email NatashaAtkerson94(at)gmail(dot)com (be sure to include her name "Natasha" in the subject title)

Places What I Wear, What I Do And Why I Did It has been featured:
Featured On Noi h. Saf
Interview On Daddy's Blogging Princess

Fashion Belle Modest Clothing