
Goodbye-To Everything There Is A Season


I have to be honest, this post is hard to write. As you've probably already noticed, I've been writing posts on here less and less. I've decided that instead of just fading into an abyss of dead fashion blogs, I'll say good bye. 

The Bible says there's a time and a season for everything. And today is my season of closing this chapter in my life. It was hard coming to this conclusion, but it's time. 

  I started this blog when I was 16. Things have changed so much since then! I've changed so much. I no longer have the time to devote to this blog that I once did. I feel it isn't fair or responsible to pop in once a month and say, "Hey!" 

Part of my struggle with shutting down is you! I've met so many wonderful people through my blog (both in person and via the internet). I'm so grateful for all the lovely times we had doing fashion shows and just sharing life together. 
Who knows? Maybe a few years down the road I can pop in and give an update on my life. 
Goodbye fashion blog, it was a fun ride. But the time has come to turn out the light and exit. My best to all of you on your adventure, may God bless you richly on your unique journey. Keep your eyes on Him, stay on the straight and narrow.

Thrifty Gal

I'm wearing-neon green cardigan-thrifted $3//Black and white floral skirt-thrifted $3.99//White shirt-Forever 21 $5
I'm going to try to participate in Ashley's fashion event. The idea is to have as much as possible of your outfit come from a thrift store. Besides my white shirt and shoes, everything else is thrifted. As you've probably figured out, finding items in my closet that are thrifted shouldn't be too hard :) 

What's the most awesome thing you've ever found at a thrift store?

What I Wear-What about Peter?


28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

 Matthew 14:28-31

I'm wearing: Striped shirt-Target $6//Black maxi skirt-Rue 21 $3

I've always wondered why we're so hard on Peter from the Bible. 
When listing the "greats," rarely is Peter ever mentioned. Yes, he denyed Jesus three times during Jesus' trial. Yes, he had a tongue that needed to be bridled. But what about the fact that Peter walked on water? I'm mean, for real! Last time I checked that takes a lot of faith. Peters problem came when he took his eyes off of Jesus. For a single moment, a short lived experience he was walking on water. 
But isn't that how it is? We're walking a tight rope of leaning too far to one side and falling off, or trusting in God and walking confidently on. 

So remember, even if you start to sink-you walked on water, if only for a moment. 

Do you think Peter should be in the "Bible hall of fame"?

Sometimes He takes your breath away-UPDATE

We are so quick to ask for prayer, but for some reason praise reports often don't happen. 

I'm so blessed that I have a miracle making, awesome, all powerful God. My last post I asked all of you for prayer for my sister. 
The Dr. called this morning with an update. He said he was shocked, because he thought for sure she would need a kidney transplant, or at least dialysis. Nope! Turns out it was just high blood pressure damaging her kidneys. From here she needs to keep her BP under control with meds. But she won't need a transplant or dialysis and it wasn't lupus! 

When we pray, there's always the struggle of asking Him for a miracle, knowing He can deliver, but accepting His will anyway. I'm grateful and ecstatic that in this instance God gave us a miracle. Would He still be sovereign and awesome if she needed a transplant? Yes. But...
Sometimes God moves mountains for us. 
Sometimes, God just takes my breath away. 

What I Wear-Tough Stuff And Faith

I know this is kind of odd paired with a fashion post, but I'm going through some tough stuff right now. 
  My sister is seeing a kidney specialist tomorrow. I wanted to ask all of you to be praying. Honestly, as I'm praying I don't even know what a good outcome would be. 
They're talking either she has lupus, or she'll need a transplant or go on dialysis. It's times like these that it's easy to not trust God. To start doubting His love, but at this time is when I need to cling to Him all the more. Here's where faith takes feet and I have to say, "Your will, not mine." 
Please pray for a miracle and for strength for all of us, but especially my sister. 

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