

What I Wear-feminine grunge? And blogging app victory!

So I think I finally figured out how to adjust the images in the Blogger app on my iPad so it keeps the original image resolution. Yay! It was frustrating to have high quality photos from my phone, but then upload it to my app and have it blurry. So I had time to sit down and. Googled my issue, found out the iPad app has a little gear in the left corner (the iPhone app doesn't) where you can tell it to keep the image resolution of the original photo. So, if you're like me and using the app, maybe that will help.

I would really appreciate if you would let me know how the photos look on your computer-too big? just right? That would help me out so much, since I don't have a desktop computer for internet anymore. 

It's sort of strange to me that Blogger hasn't caught up with technology. I mean, I can't be the only who blogs from my phone! 

Today was spent in counting down the hours till I'm off for the long weekend, whilst baking various THM Thanksgiving dishes. We're planning a "crossover" thanksgiving. "What does that mean?" You ask? Well, instead of separating the fat and carbs (which is basically what helps us lose weight) we're eating them together. So the dishes will still be healthy, just not weight loss promoting. Last year we ate like we used to, felt SICK (more than a usual Thanksgiving gluttony episode). And just overall didn't enjoy it. So I made: S pumpkin pie, cheesecake and chocolate chip pumpkin bread. 

And currently I'm going off to eat dinner, chill out and perhaps watch a movie. Today, I'm thankful for; a warm house, plenty of food and a long weekened to rest! 

What are your plans this weekend? Do you get a long weekend? 


  1. I am viewing this on a mobile device, and the pictures look great! Cute outfit:)

  2. I like your maxi skirt! And pumpkin bread sounds delicious! Do you have a recipe for it? I am making cookies and cream cookies!
    ~ Hannah F.

  3. I do! Preheat oven to 350 deg.
    1 cup pumkin puree
    2 eggs
    1 cup non GMO erythritol
    1 tsp THM stevia
    1/2 tsp all spice
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1/2 tsp nutmeg
    2/3 tsp baking soda
    1/2 tsp salt
    2 cups almond flour
    1/2 cup of coconut flour
    I live at a pretty high elevation (6,000+) so it comes out dry for me. I add a splash of water, it shouldn't be runny, but for sure not crumbly. You want a smooth, spreadable consistency. Optional:
    Add some nuts, I used a handful of pecans. I also chopped up a Lilys chocolate bar ( sweetened with stevia!) but you could use an 85% chocolate bar too.
    Cook for about 45min. In two loaf pans. Probably longer, especially if you add extra water! Insert a toothpick and when clean-voila! Done!
    Enjoy, let me know if you try it!

  4. I love your whole outfit! I didn't make anything, but I ate it!! haha! The pictures look just fine on the computer by the way.


Everyone is welcome here and I LOVE hearing from my readers! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I will try to get back as soon as possible with you if you ask a question, however if you'd like you may also email me at

Here are a few comment guidelines:
This is an open discussion, being so, I'm open to other people's opinions! However, please keep the discussion nice and if you'd like to critique something, please do it tactfully! I.E-instead of "I hate that outfit!" putting, "I think the outfit is a bit miss matched, however I like ___."
Your comments are so appreciated-you rock!
Proverbs 3:5-6