

What I Wear-New Year "Resolution" And Comfy Clothes

I'm wearing: Sweater-Rue 21 $6//Earrings-hand me down//Skirt-thrifted $3.99//Boots-Skechers $30//Essential Oil diffuser necklace-gift

Another year comes to a close, another one begins. I truly feel like 2014 was only 6 months long! It's been a whirlwind year filled with joy, laughter, tears and heartache. It was filled with pain and love, sorrow and beauty. 

I'm so blessed, but I often forget that. It's easy to focus on the things I can't change, instead of thanking a God who loves me so much. How could we ever think that we could earn His grace? That our measly selves are worth anything? Truth? God can use broken vessels, but only if they're empty of themselves. Empty of the expectation that life should go how we wish, empty of selfish ambitions and pride. An empty vessel in the hands of God is a work of art, each day yet another piece of beauty added.                  

I'm not much for "resolutions" but this year I'd like to dig deeper into my relationship with Christ. I'm tired of mediocre, surrendering only parts of myself isn't enough! This coming year I want to recklessly abandon myself to Him. I want to love more, laugh more and give more. 
   With His help I can block out the voices of others who discourage, instead of encourage. With His help I can love the unlovable and soar with wings like eagles. 

This is a new year, 365 days from now, who will you be? 

I would be so grateful if each of you would comment with a devotional/inspirational book you love, I'm looking for some to read this new year, I'll go first! 

My favorite inspirational book -Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis 

Have a blessed New Year and remember that each moment is precious-YOU are precious! Be the change you want to see.


  1. Cute outfit! My New Years resolution is pretty much the same. I read the Duck Commander 365 days devotional it was pretty good. I'm going to look for a new one this year- so as of now I have no suggestions. Have a blessed New Years!

  2. You should check out "Praying For Your Future Husband" it's an awesome devo!

  3. Beautiful post Natasha! :) I'm not much for resolutions either, but I really like yours.
    Your outfit is really cute; some days it feels so good; I especially like your sweater and necklace.
    Hmm... "Just Do Something" was a good book I read recently aimed towards young adults. It's about how to forsake being indecisive and just floating through life in the name of trying to find God's will and instead follow what we know God has already said is His will in His word and (wisely) not fear to make choices.

  4. Cute outfit! Love your chocolate brown boots. :) And you have a good new year resolution. ☺

  5. Love your outfit! At the moment I'm reading "Desiring God" by John Piper - very inspiring and encouraging.

  6. A friend recommended this book to me and I found it to be very inspirational: Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II by Darlene Deibler Rose.

  7. Hey, I just found your blog & I love it!! :)
    If you haven't yet read Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis, that's definitely a fantastic choice. Maybe you've already read it though, and in that case, you probably see what I mean. :)

  8. This look is so cute! I love your hair, nails, and sweater! :) I feel like I haven't read your blog in *forever*...I'm happy to be back and reading it again! Happy 2015!

    Vicki Grace

  9. I've been reading a really old book by D.L. Moody called How To Get To Heaven. It's back to basics but really good.


Everyone is welcome here and I LOVE hearing from my readers! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I will try to get back as soon as possible with you if you ask a question, however if you'd like you may also email me at

Here are a few comment guidelines:
This is an open discussion, being so, I'm open to other people's opinions! However, please keep the discussion nice and if you'd like to critique something, please do it tactfully! I.E-instead of "I hate that outfit!" putting, "I think the outfit is a bit miss matched, however I like ___."
Your comments are so appreciated-you rock!
Proverbs 3:5-6