

What I Wear-New Post Series Announcement, Goodwill And The New Year

I'm wearing-Shirt-thrifted $2//Skirt-Thrifted $0.50//boots-Forever 21 $25//hat-Rue 21 $5.50
Am I the only one who thinks Goodwill's prices are obscenely high now on a lot of things!? It's gotten to the point where I only shop the 1/2 off tags! How does $20 for a stretched out, pilling sweater constitute "thrift store" prices? 
End of Goodwill rant....

I'm super excited to be announcing my "THM Tuesday" post series! I've held off doing this as I didn't want to flood my fashion blog with tons of recipes. However, after receiving a ton of comments from people saying they want more posts on healthy eating/fitness, I'm answering! So I will attempt to mesh fashion and food...

With it being January, a lot of people are starting new diets and making resolutions to eat better and/or lose weight. We'll see how my THM Tuesdays go and then decide from there if I'll continue. My goal is to post every Tuesday with something related to THM (
I'm going to start my series off by sharing a few tips I've learned since starting THM in August 2013;

1. Stevia is not sugar. Strange statement you say? Not really! For me, coming from only using sugar, I didn't realize you use A LOT less of stevia than you would sugar! It took me awhile before I found out that if you add too much stevia it gets an icky biting/metallic/bitter aftertaste. So if you're starting out with stevia, be careful and don't use too much! Taste, add more, taste again and so forth till you know how much you like.  

2. If you want to keep fresh ginger around the house, wash the ginger root, toss it in a bag and freeze it. Then when you want to use it, simply grate it (grind, chop, etc.). I prefer fresh ginger in my 
GGMS, versus the ground. (I also add a drop of cinnamon essential oil and a dash of cinnamon 
powder for blood sugar benefits)

3. Freeze heavy whipping cream in an ice cube tray and you have it on hand for much longer than you can keep it fresh in the fridge.

4. If you have any questions, join the THM facebook support group! (I would also be happy to answer any questions you have!)

5. Pretty much anything on Briana's site is amazing! 

6. And last but not least, you get to have homemade pizza on THM! We make our pizzas personal size, be sure to only use a roll size amount of dough so you don't have more than the carb allotment of 45grms. With personal pizzas you can also control the fat content and be sure no one is having too many carbs. I've found that using a plastic rolling pin is best, very time I use wooden, the dough sticks horribly. I think it's because the wood is porous and soaks up the water in the bread dough. (Also, please be sure to ferment your bread for AT LEAST 72hrs, otherwise it's not sourdough (the fermentation process eats the carbs).

(Gwen's sourdough velveeta shreds, turkey pepperoni, jalapeƱos, green chile, mushrooms-this is an "E" )


  1. Our goodwill gets leftovers from Target, which are new, and that is the only thing they put such high prices on. However, the goodwill stores here have a pretty bad selection most of the time. When we went on our big cross country RV trip, we stopped in a goodwill store in Flagstaff Arizona. They had some amazing items! But the prices were much higher on everything too. I do wish second hand stores would weed out more of the damaged/stained items. That is what all those little colorful plastic taggies are for, right? So the things that have been them for ages can be cleared out?

  2. I love that top!!!! And I agree- sometimes Goodwill prices aren't much of a deal.
    Have a blessed day!


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Here are a few comment guidelines:
This is an open discussion, being so, I'm open to other people's opinions! However, please keep the discussion nice and if you'd like to critique something, please do it tactfully! I.E-instead of "I hate that outfit!" putting, "I think the outfit is a bit miss matched, however I like ___."
Your comments are so appreciated-you rock!
Proverbs 3:5-6