

Trim Healthy Mama Hybrid Faux Kool Aid/"Fruit" Punch Sipper

Today I'm sharing a "new" sipper with y'all! What is a sipper, you ask? Basically, it's a drink that doesn't have carbs or fat, can be sipped on throughout the day to keep you full and hydrated. 

It fits into the THM (Trim Healthy Mama) "diet" and, if I do say so myself, it's pretty darn good. 
It tastes reminiscent of kool aid or fruit punch, tangy, sweet and refreshing. 

I combined two different THM sippers, added my own spin and BAM! A whole new drink. 

The recipe: 
2 Oolong tea bags
1-2 Raspberry zinger tea bags
2 TBL Raw apple cider vinegar
2 TBL Lemon concentrate (or fresh lemon)
3-4 "Doonks" (a doonk is 1/32 of a tsp) THM brand stevia 
Optional 1tsp MCT oil 

Brew all tea bags together in approximately 1/2 cup of boiling water. Let tea bags steep for about 5 minutes. After they steep, remove and discard tea bags. Then add remaining ingredients. Fill with ice and cold water to bottom lip of quart sized jar. The MCT oil is optional, but it adds a boost of energy and helps burn fat. 

A few notes on the ingredients: 
Raw apple cider vinegar has amazing benefits including; weight loss, blood sugar control, clearer skin, clears sinuses, helps with heart burn and it helps you have less severe cramps/bloat/bleeding that time if month!  (Among a million other things, Google it if you're interested) 

Oolong tea benefits; weight loss (it boosts your metabolism and can actually help you burn about an extra 69 calories),  anti aging, stabilizes blood sugar, better immune system and stronger bones. 

MCT oil benefits; weight loss (boosts metabolism), guards against Alzheimer's (they're actually testing Alzheimer's patients using MCT oil with success!), energy, enhances ketone production and much more. MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides-found in coconut oil. It's like coconut oil on steroids, also a plus is that it stays liquid, unlike coconut oil, thus why it's great for drinks and smoothies. 

Stevia benefits-blood sugar balance, zero   calories, beneficial for teeth, helps lower high blood pressure, strengthen immune system and is 100% natural if you buy the right kind (it shouldn't have anything added to it). 

Hope you enjoy this drink, let me know what you think! 


  1. This looks absolutely delicious and the fact that it has so many health benefits only makes it look even yummier. I will have to save this recipe and make it sometime soon.

    Thank you for sharing!! :)

    a vapor in the wind

  2. This sounds SO good. Would love to see more recipes like this!!!!!
    - Lauren


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