

What I Wear-How To Wear The Same Item Multiple Ways

I've had numerous requests to style an item in several different ways (a remix?).
So here we go! 

I'm wearing the same shirt, but in three different ways! Let me explain how different items can be remixed to look like a completely different one. Now, I'm not insane (most of the time anyway!) I realize it's probably not fooling anyone when I wear the same shirt in different ways. However, most likely the chances of anyone recognizing the shirt you wore last week is pretty slim. But the chances are even lower if you wear it differently. 
All three outfits utilize the same shirt, yet look completely different. 

1. Keep it simple!
Sort of obvious, but the easiest outfit is simple. No accessories, no frills, just bare bones style.

2. Utilize Accessories 
Your other choice is to use accessories to alter the look, in this case an eternity scarf. The blue jean skirt gives this shirt a more casual look, yet the boots give it a bit of a classy/trendy feel. 

Last but not least, don't forget your trusty blue jean vest! I wear this vest all. The. Time. Seriously! It goes with practically everything and it never gets boring. Pair it with a maxi skirt (which happens to be a different length than the the other skirts). 

And there you have it! I have a few more remix posts planned (I actually have photos too!). 
I'm feeling super organized lately, look at me all posting once a week! Lol! 

Guess what else I've been up to? If you follow me on Facebook, you know I also now have an Instagram account, look out, another fashion blogger joins the ranks. My Instagram feed is filled with more random me, THM food and beauty "stuff." So if you want a more personal up close of my life and personality, follow me there. Some things just aren't for blogger....I.E the yogurt and berries I ate the other day...


  1. Love the outfits, Natasha! I always enjoy seeing outfit post that use the same items in different outfits. It helps me to rethink my wardrobe and realize I don't have to have a closet full of clothes in order to wear cute and different outfits! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your outfits are always so cute! I've tried to be more creative with layers recently, utilizing jean jackets, scarves, jewelry, etc...

    I have yet to buy a denim vest but I've been stalking my local resale stores in search of one and hopefully I find one soon! Thank you for all the inspirational ideas.


    a vapor in the wind

  3. Beautiful outfits (of course I like the color of your shirt)! Good job mixing it up.

  4. The top itself is beautiful anyway! Nice to see it showcased in different ways.x


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This is an open discussion, being so, I'm open to other people's opinions! However, please keep the discussion nice and if you'd like to critique something, please do it tactfully! I.E-instead of "I hate that outfit!" putting, "I think the outfit is a bit miss matched, however I like ___."
Your comments are so appreciated-you rock!
Proverbs 3:5-6