

What I Wear-Ghingam Cowgirlish And Prayer

I've been contemplating prayer lately. I feel like there's so much pressure to craft a certain prayer, it has to include flowery words and be extremely eloquent. 

I have to be honest, for a long time I struggled with praying out loud. Every time I prayed out loud in front of others I'd feel like it just wasn't good enough. I didn't use large enough words, or I stumbled and said, "Um..." Or, "Uh..." Once too many. It became more and more about me and how others perceived me, than what it truly is-communication with a loving Heavenly Father. 
I've since swallowed my pride. Which isn't to say that I now pray in public and never think of what others might be thinking about my prayers. (hey, I'm working on it, Rome wasn't built in a day!) 

But more and more as I strive to draw closer to Jesus, He reminds me that the words I use while praying are of very little importance to Him, rather the intent of my heart.

  Imagine, if you will, a little girl telling her papa about her day. Does she pronounce every word clearly? Probably not. Does she lose her train of thought? Maybe. Does she lisp? Perhaps. But does a loving father stop his daughter to correct her words, telling her to use larger, more intelligent words? I should think not! 
   My point. What matters most is our heart. Am I pouring my everything out to Him? Do I daily lift up concerns, hopes, fears and thanks? I have to say that my most sincere broken prayers are usually less than three words, "God, help!" 


  1. Thanks for this post Natasha :-) My women's Bible study group is going to start a study on prayer this weekend!

  2. Cute outfit Natasha! I especially adore those shoes!

    Thank you dear, for those words about prayer. I have been struggling with those EXACT thoughts so much of late. It is nice to hear words of truth about the matter.

    the elder one

  3. I know how you feel. I am not very outgoing and don't like public speaking in general. Because prayer is so important, praying out loud in front of others seems even more stressful than giving a speech. For family gatherings, we always asked my husband's grandfather to do the group prayer because he was so good at coming up with a great prayer right on the spot. He passed away recently and we really feel the absence of his leadership in our group prayers. Thanks for your thoughts about this. I also like your shirt; gingham is one of my favorites!

  4. Fun blouse and shoes!
    I like your thoughts on prayer! Thanks for sharing. It's something I struggle with too, forgetting it's a conversation, not a performance.

  5. Love your shoes!!! Super cute. Also very sweet blouse and necklace.

    Good thoughts too. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Love your necklace! And those shoes are super!


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Proverbs 3:5-6