

What I Wear-Dressing Your Truth Experiment

Today I thought I'd talk to you about something I'm into right now-It's called "Dressing Your Truth." I have to preface that I in no way agree with everything taught, but I'm very interested in the fashion side of it.

I suggest skipping most of the videos that aren't related to fashion.

While she refers to this program as "energy profiling" it's more like "personality profiling." She teaches you how to dress based on the way God made you-which is biblical, being who He created us to be. I again state that I don't agree with everything she says, always be cautious and view things through a biblical perspective. There's a lot to be gained from this, but some things you can leave and throw out.

I've determined that I'm a "Type 4."
The bold, striking woman. It's weird, at some point I quit wearing black near my face without even realizing it! With this program, I'm supposed to go for rich/saturated colors (like black and many others).
I'm not going to share anymore details than that (as that's what you pay for). But I hope you'll join me as I explore this new program and see if it works for me.

Have you ever heard of/done dressing your truth?

I'm wearing-black shirt-H&M $5//Striped Color Block Skirt-Burlington Coat Factory $12.00//Necklace-Lane. Bryant $5//Bling Flip Flops-Famous Footwear $39.00


  1. I went though the free videos and i type 4 too. I have not done the full program and i don't think i would as i dress very bold in my colours now and i only wear black and other neutrals on my bottom or as a under layer for bolder and brighter colours and i do wear prints too and i do wear them on my bottoms sometime like soft pants or a skirt or if i'm wearing a dress.
    I will be keeping an eye out for more post like this to see how you are use it too!


  2. I like the simplicity yet boldness of this color-blocked look. :)

  3. Cute outfit! I like how the flip fops add some sparkle!

  4. Did you get the programm?! Yay! Another DYT friend! I really need to start sharing DYT on my blog I have been "dressing my truth" for 3 years now. It is a journey but I love it!

  5. I did watch a number of the free videos. After it originally piqued my interest it didn't "do" enough for me to want to bother peeling past her worldview to get to the fashion info. But everybody's different, so maybe you will get more out of it.

  6. Very interesting. I'll check out the free videos and see how I feel. I have a feeling I'll be mroe interested in the business aspect of this concept. Thanks for sharing!

    I must say, that skirt looks lovely on you, and you look great in general! Your long hair is so beauitful.

  7. cute summer look. It's nice!

  8. Sounds like fun :) I'm afraid to take something like that, because I don't want to be put in a box, but it would be fun at least to find out what they think of me!



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Here are a few comment guidelines:
This is an open discussion, being so, I'm open to other people's opinions! However, please keep the discussion nice and if you'd like to critique something, please do it tactfully! I.E-instead of "I hate that outfit!" putting, "I think the outfit is a bit miss matched, however I like ___."
Your comments are so appreciated-you rock!
Proverbs 3:5-6