

What I Wear-S.A.D day, Valentine's Day Encouragement

Happy Valentine's Day to all my beautiful readers. I don't normally post same day outfits, frankly because I'm lazy. (Just being honest here...) 
I thought today was important to hop on here and send a little encouragement your way. 

Today is a day to show love, but it's been skewed and distorted by commercialism.
Society has turned Valentine's Day into "feel inadequate and single" day. I totally understand how easy it is to make today all about me, my needs and wants. You're not alone, just single. Jesus adores you-you His beautiful bride. Being married doesn't mean God loves you more. Being single doesn't mean God loves you less. 

  Don't allow yourself to slip into negative thoughts. God hasn't forgotten you, you're not at the end of His list. And I'm fairly certain each of you has someone (at least one person) who loves you. No, it might not be a guy, or a husband. But you might have a mom and dad, or a sibling, or even just a friend who loves you. Love comes in many forms. Don't overlook the love you already have today for one you hope to have. Hang in there girlies, I'm confident that the Lord is writing you a beautiful story. No two stories look alike, but all of you are loved equally. 
Sending you love and encouragement, 


  1. Great post Natasha! :)
    Fun outfit! I like how you added the little braided headband to go with your boho print dress. :)

  2. Preach it! It's kind of sad when people make Valentine's Day only about romantic love. My Valentine's Day (spent with my sisters) was a lot of fun.
    And I don't post same day outfits, either. :)


    1. I could not agree any more! It is sad that people only think of the romantic love.

  3. Amen! God is love. For the past three year I have tried to post on valentine day and encourage my readers. Many can become so overwhelmed by the one day and forget that true love is something only God can give. The more we look at Christ the more we learn how to love. I love 1 cor 13 it teaches how to love and what love is about! Love is more than getting a nice gift on a special day but comprises of many things. Thanks for this post


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Here are a few comment guidelines:
This is an open discussion, being so, I'm open to other people's opinions! However, please keep the discussion nice and if you'd like to critique something, please do it tactfully! I.E-instead of "I hate that outfit!" putting, "I think the outfit is a bit miss matched, however I like ___."
Your comments are so appreciated-you rock!
Proverbs 3:5-6