
Navajo Print Skirt And Plain Shirt Obsession

I must say, these plain shirts I purchased last month, are worth their weight in gold! I've seriously been giving them a workout! They're incredibly easy to make outfits out of! They make picking outfits out a breeze! Pull a plain shirt and a cute printed skirt and I'm off! Easy peasy! 

I hadn't realized how many printed and graphic shirts I've purchased over the years! They definintely don't lend themselves to mixing and matching! You can bet you're going to be sick of this shirt before I am! Lol! 

I'm a bit ahead (or behind depending on your pessimistic perspective) on posting, so I wore this some time last week? In all honesty I had a tee shirt and jeans on today for housework (which were changed a bit early due to the fact that I spilt not only pickle juice, but also almond milk all over myself!! Obviously it has nothing to do with the fact that the lid wasn't on.. ) 

In case you're curious, my outfit consists of:
Shirt-Ross $5// Skirt-$4 Rue21etc.// boots-Herbergers $37// lace tank-Vanity $5

Do you own plain shirts? Do you feel they're more functional than, say graphic shirts? 


  1. Hi Natasha!

    I adore that outfit! The skirt has such a lively pattern...I love it! I really like how the whole outfit just flows together so nicely! Thanks for posting!


  2. I LOVE LONG SKIRTS! They are just awesome! Why did we ever give up midevil dresses anyway? They were so beautiful (at least our replications are (: ) I understand the problem with posting. My computer isn't working properly, so I can't upload pictures very easily. And I still haven't found my camera! ~~sigh~~
    God bless!

  3. Oh, and are you going to be doing an online Fashion show any time soon? I'd like to participate if you are.

  4. Such a nice outfit!!

    I LOVE simple shirts- especially for around the house and cold winterouse days! :)


  5. I love the print of that skirt! It is very colorful, and I think that the plain shirt keeps it simple. I do own a lot of plain shirts myself and they really seem to keep everything so simple yet cute!


Everyone is welcome here and I LOVE hearing from my readers! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I will try to get back as soon as possible with you if you ask a question, however if you'd like you may also email me at

Here are a few comment guidelines:
This is an open discussion, being so, I'm open to other people's opinions! However, please keep the discussion nice and if you'd like to critique something, please do it tactfully! I.E-instead of "I hate that outfit!" putting, "I think the outfit is a bit miss matched, however I like ___."
Your comments are so appreciated-you rock!
Proverbs 3:5-6

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