

What I Wear-A Miracle!

I normally try to keep my blog free of too much personal "junk." But I would like to share a "Praise The Lord!" With all of you. My mom was diagnosed a type 2 diabetic in January 2015. We've been working with a couple doctors to get her high blood sugar under control. We found an awesome doctor (who "happens" to be the dad of my good friend who I met on a modest fashion website). He put her on a new medication to see if that would help her blood sugars come down. It worked awesome for about 3 days. Then she started having back pain, really bad, a sore throat, etc. It escalated to where she vomited and was walking around like she was drunk! The doctor asked us to come in so he could check her out. During our visit he sent us to the ER, turns out it wasn't the medication causing the problems. She was experiencing something called ketoacidosis, which if you're interested you can Google it, as it's hard to explain. Basically it's the next step before you go into diabetic acoma! Her blood sugar was very high (512!) and she has a virus. It was brought on by a combination of things; the virus, she was feeling nauseous so she stopped eating, drinking and taking her meds.
She was on an IV with insulin for two days. She's home now and I'm so grateful! 

   My point in sharing all this, is that God is a merciful father. I'm so grateful for wise doctors, even for the insulin she has to be on now. Because she's alive. I know she wouldn't be alive today if God hadn't orchestrated everything perfectly to get her to the ER in time. Thank you Jesus for my mama, thank you for doctors, for insulin, but most of all for your mercies. 
  I can tell you right now, it's easy to say "Trust God," when you're not in a situation when that's all you can do. You can believe and have faith that He will take care of you, no matter what. 


  1. Wow that is crazy, Natasha! Praying for her healing! Cute outfit, by the way. :)


  2. Your hair is gorgeous! I was just wondering, do you always wear skirts?

    1. Thank you, Mimmy Rose!
      And no, I wear pants too. I just prefer skirts most of the time. I'm actually wearing pants right now, hoping to get outfit photos before the day's out.
      A modest fashion blog:

  3. Wow! Thanks for sharing, Natasha! So glad that your mom is okay. Praying for her and all your family! Blessings!

  4. Natasha, I'm glad to hear your Mom is home and doing okay! I'm sorry you all had to go through that, but glad that it strengthened your faith. The past couple of days have been rough for me, so it's encouraging.
    Also, cute outfit! And your hair looks so golden in that light. :)

  5. Oh my! What a time you have had! It is always such a shock when one you love so much has a health problem that is so uncertain. Our Father is wonderful to us though! Thank you for sharing her testimony with us! As our church family was talking yesterday, we discussed how not only going through trials ourselves gives our faith a boost, but hearing the things that other people have gone through; how the Lord changed it to good.

    OH! And please share how you used the henna on your hair!! It looks AMAZING!

    the elder sister
    Calico Sisters blog

  6. Oh my goodness Natasha, I'm so glad your mom is okay! Our relationships with our parents are so precious, and I'm glad to see that you appreciate your mom - so many young people don't have that outlook.
    Katie Forsyth

  7. I love your outfit, Natasha!!! It is still wintery-boot-wearing-weather here. :p So....I'm kind of jealous of your adorable sandals and that lovely warm weather. I love your hair too. :D

    Praise God on the wonderful news too!

    You know what? I think I just like this whole post, a lot. ;)

    Bree @

  8. Natasha, I'm glad that your mom is doing well! Praise God!!

    Thank you for sharing. :)

    Dani from a vapor in the wind

  9. Our God is so good; I'm so glad your mom is ok! She's in my prayers! And love your outfit, too! It has a little boho vibe to it, which I love for Spring!


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Proverbs 3:5-6