

What I Wear-Q and A Video session? Crazy Weather Lately

Henceforth, prepare to be utterly confused by my outfits and their current weather appropriateness. If you don't know this already, Montana people make jokes something to effect of "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it'll change." This is one hundred percent correct! This week has been unseasonably warm, 70's! But we're expecting a cold front, 45 deg. 
Some of you may not be aware that I don't typically post my outfits the day I wear them. It's just too stressful to try and get pictures, write a post and publish it on the same day. So I'll hoard outfit photos and post them as I get time to write the "article." Apparently it doesn't take me nearly as long as others to write posts. I typically take about 30 minutes to write up a post. I've read some people take 2-3hrs, I'm like, what?!
 But I don't sit down to write a post unless I know what I'm writing about. I'll think about possible topics during the day while I'm working and mentally write it, then in the evenings I actually sit down to write it. 

  I have another youtube video idea, but it's entirely dependent on You.
I've never done a Q and A video, and I thought it'd be fun to do one. 
So, here's where you come in: leave me questions! You can comment here, on Instagram, Facebook, or email. Silly, serious, THM, fashion, beauty, whatever floats your boat. I only ask that questions be kept appropriate. I look forward to answering your questions! 

I'm wearing: lace crop top-Debs $5//Black shirt-Target $8//Striped black and white skirt-thrifted $3.99//retro vintage style shoes-Amazon $99//pink flower statement necklace-Vanity $3.98


  1. This is such a beautiful outfit! :D
    Ugh. I wrote one of those 2-3 hour posts today, but it was because I hadn't planned it out well and I didn't know quite what I was doing. Usually they don't take that long!
    Hm, a question....1) What is one of your fashion pet peeves? 2) How old were you when you started to enjoy clothes?

  2. I love, love, love your necklace! Your outfit is beautiful!
    <3 Margaret

  3. I love your hair and outfit, Natasha! I'd love to know what your top favorite stores!

    ❤ Blaze Ann

  4. Oh man, I'm definitely one of those 2-3+ hour writers. My faith-based posts takes DAYS to write. Even my fashion posts take forever. I suppose that's a sign I'm a blogging rookie! Haha. This video sounds like fun! I'd love to know: 1) what's your favorite passage in scripture (and why); 2) favorite place to shop. That top is TOO cute, btw.

  5. I love how you layered that crop top! You look adorable :) I usually take about 30 minutes to an hour to write a post... I feel like if I spend more time than that, I begin to over think my post.

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  6. LOVING this top!! and for only 5 bucks?!? that's such a deal!!

  7. I love your hair! I'll definitely have to try that sometime!
    xx. Brittany
    Life Like a Twenty Something

  8. really cute look, love the lace!

    danielle | avec danielle

  9. That crop top is so cute! Especially with the pop of pink to really pull together the outfit.


Everyone is welcome here and I LOVE hearing from my readers! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I will try to get back as soon as possible with you if you ask a question, however if you'd like you may also email me at

Here are a few comment guidelines:
This is an open discussion, being so, I'm open to other people's opinions! However, please keep the discussion nice and if you'd like to critique something, please do it tactfully! I.E-instead of "I hate that outfit!" putting, "I think the outfit is a bit miss matched, however I like ___."
Your comments are so appreciated-you rock!
Proverbs 3:5-6