I'm sure all of you have experienced the frustration of looking for a swimsuit, at least once!
On the one hand, you don't want a swimsuit that is so revealing you want to dash right to the pool and jump in. On the other hand, you don't want a drop dead ugly swimsuit. I'm very happy to offer you a solution:
I tried on the swimsuit this morning! The fabric is nice and appears to be high quality. The fabric is water repellent-a big plus! The company does state that you might need a swim bra, I agree. I tried it without anything on, and while it didn't look horrific, it wasn't very attractive. The swimsuit otherwise fit fantastic and I'm very pleased! The person I spoke with about the swimsuit was very nice, the shipping was speedy and I'm very pleased with my overall experience with the company. The only complaint I have is that the swimsuit does not go any bigger than a size L-very dissapointing for plus size women. I hope to see the company offer larger sizes for more modest women. The website is set up well and has a nice "feel" to it. They offer both moderate and full coverage swimsuits. The Eva comes with a seperate swim skirt. The back zips up for a nice fit. The swimsuit is a bit pricey, but if you have the money to invest, I say go for it. Most modest swimsuits are pretty pricey and you are paying for MORE fabric : ). If you have any questions regarding the swimsuit, I would be happy to answer them! A HUGE thank you to Modest Sea for allowing my to review their swimsuit, I can't wait to wear it to the pool!
They also have the Full Coverage Version:
Visit the website HERE
That's a very cute swimsuit...I love the sailor style. I wore WholesomeWear suits for a long time and then made my own swim skirt and used a exercise top (because they're longer and more modest on top than regular tankini tops) The price is quite a bit steeper than what I'm used to as far as modest suits go. I like the Stephanie & ______ suits and the Zoe & Bridget too. Super cute. But those are VERY expensive.