
What I Wear- As 80's Style As I'm Getting!

Hello all! I want to say something very important and crucial to your well being: this is as close to the 80's fashion as I'm ever getting! I couldn't pass this shirt up yesterday at the thrift store, it was too cute! My mom thought it was weird, which translates into 'unique' in my mind. The pattern mixing on the yoke/collar part is what I love about it! Plus the colors grabbed me.
 I'm happy to say that I picked up a few skirts and shirts at the thrift shop! I'm super excited about this one skirt-you'll see it at some point! It is the most Spring-y (no, I don't think it's a word) skirt I've ever seen!

 80's Style Shirt Thrifted ($2) Black Skirt With Buttons Thrifted ($3.99) Black Boots Payless (borrowed from mom) Bangle Bracelet Claires ($1) Necklace Payless ($2)

What I Wear- 40's Maurices Dress

So I'm super excited! The Nancy Drew Fashion Week starts day after tomorrow! Are you ready? I'm not! I realized I planned on making a dress, and never got around to it. Now that's sad! My own fashion show, not ready for it! Plane b? Thrift stores here I come! Remember, you can enter here or on Ashley's Blog. I encourage you to head over to her blog and become a follower. She has an awesome blog, and you can keep up with the entries at her blog as well!
So what do you think of me getting all fancy on you? Yep, blurred background! Simply any blogger who's anyone is blurring the backgrounds...or something like that. Of course, real fashion bloggers probably can figure out how to set the camera to do that, I cheated and used Gimp.
Welcome to all of my new (and old) followers! I now have 160 people interested in modest fashion! That rocks! And since your supposed to write like every person reading your blog is a new follower, I'll give you a more personal update on me! I'm totally and insanely obsessed with music, and I'm currently teaching myself to play piano! The piano is such an amazing instrument (even if mine is out of tune)! I'm working on playing Ode To Joy by Bethoveen. I'm having a hard time reading the music, as every other insturment I've ever played (bass and acoustic guitar) has chords (such A-G and Am-Gm and a bunch of other boring stuff I won't mention) But I am making some progress reading the music. Patience and perserverance right?
Pink Coral Cardigan Vanity ($2) 40's style dress Maurices (gift for my 16th birthday) Black boots Payless (borrowed from mom)


What I Wear- How To Wear An Eternity Scarf

 I went through my closet this morning and I have some bad news for all of you. I have two Summer skirts! All the rest are Winter (as in wool) and there is no way I'm wearing wool when it gets warm! You see, I'm a delicate flower and will wilt if left to warm weather. *GRIN* So, here's my question for you amazing fashionista misses, where do you buy your skirts? I ask so I can copy you and steal all your ideas and use them as my own! Or something like that....(that was me being witty, sick right?)
As you may have gathered around Spring time, my mind turns to changing my wardrobe, and removing the heavy dust of Winter.

Purple Shirt Herbergers (Borrowed from Patience) Leather Jacket Wal Mart ($5) Embroidered Skirt Thrifted ($3.99) Boots Bear Paw (Borrowed from Mom)
Question: If you could buy any clothing item from anywhere (money is no object) what would you buy?

What I Wear- Makeover Weekend!


Hello ladies, today was a big day for me! I cut my bangs! And my mom pierced my ears! Yes! I said my mom! We were going to go to Spokane WA, but the weather was just too weird to go this time. Maybe in a couple months. But anyways, piercing my ears at home was...stressfull! I was calm cool and collected! *lie lie* Want to know the honest to goodness truth? I was scared out of my mind! I actually almost hyperventilated! But you won't tell anyone will you? *wink*
Sorry for the close up on my yucky pimples. They show up a ton redder on the camera than in real life, which stinks, but oh well! Heres my earrings anyways!

Here is me before bangs:
I started out really small and simple. I may cut full bangs later on, but I'm really happy with the end result! I've never cut my bangs before (I'm 16!) I've had the same hair style for 14+ years and needed a change! So this is me for now.
 Wool Pea Cot Fashion Bug (gift) Striped Dress Ross ($13) Grey/Black Slacks Target ($12) Ballet Flats Payless ($8)

I also took a picture of the ear piercing kit for fun:
Scary no? : )
QUESTION: Do you have bangs? Do you think I should cut my bangs more, or leave them?

200th Follower Giveaway! Leslie Ludy Books!

Faithful followers will know that I have 134 followers right now! (Okay, so I'm probably the only one who knows that...) I decided it would be fun to have a 200th follower giveaway! This doesn't mean that if your the 200th follower, you'll win. In fact, I'd like to get over 200 followers if I can! Heres how its going to work:

After I reach 200 followers, I will start the giveaway!

What will you be winning you ask? Two Leslie Ludy books (pictured above) appropriate for all ages!
Lost Art Of True Beauty, And Set Apart Femininty!

Please leave each entry in SEPERATE comments.

1 Entry: {You must be a follower to enter this giveaway! You CAN NOT enter the giveaway until there are 200 followers! (I will block all commenting on this post till then)}
Leave a comment after I reach 200 followers, telling me your a follower so you get your entry!

Become a follower now, to raise the numbers, and also get an update when I reach 200!

1 Entry: Put my giveaway button on your blog sidebar(Ultimatley you will be helping to speed up the process by spreading the word)

<em><a><img src="<a href=";current=200.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>"/></a>

1 Entry: Leave the link to your favorite outfit featured on my blog.
1 Entry: Post about my blog on your blog (leave link).
1 Entry: Tell me something you'd like me to post about in the future.
1 Entry: Put my blog on your blog roll (leave link)
1 Entry: Tell me a product you'd like to see me review.
1 Entry: Leave me a link to your favorite modest fashion blog.

What I Wear- Feminine Cowgirl!

Hey everyone! Today's outfit is a little bit "Cowgirl" inspired! I borrowed this blue jean shirt from my sister, and for some reason it has a 'Montana cowgirl' feel to it. But of course, I added a feminine touch, a skirt! Thus I dub this outfit the: How to wear Combat boot femininely and look like a cowgirl. So I'm very excited, to help my closet along we're going out of town (well, actually my family thinks we're going out of town for fun, but they're really doing it to help my closet! *shhh!*)! Where they have real malls! And real clothes! *hyperventilating* You might be thinking I'm crazy, but I live in a fairly small town. The mall consists of (Clothing wise): JcPenney, Herbergers,Vanity, Maurices, Claires. That's it! So when we get to go out of town, it's a real treat! So all of you people out there not appreciating your mall: stop!
I'm most excited to be going to Ross, which we don't have where I live. I'm hoping to maybe find an Easter dress, and some 40's style shoes. I've been on the hunt for a low heeled pair of 40's style mary janes. I'll know them when I seem 'em! I have this weird thing where I get an idea of a certain item (be it clothing or otherwise) and I obsess over finding it! So this could be one of those times.. I saw a pair similar to what I was looking for at Ross last time, but they didn't have my size in stock. Which totally stunk!
I'm fairly tall (5"8) and so I don't really feel comfortable in high heels. The tallest I would ever wear is an 1"-1"1/2. 2"? Maybe... but prefer short heels. Its not much fun 'looking down' on people! What's your heel height preference?

Blue Jean Shirt Wal Mart ($1 borrowed) White Shirt Target ($4) Skirt Thrifted ($3.99) White Leggings Vanity ($2) Brown Combat Boots (borrowed)

I included this one of my little sister and I, just for fun! : )

What I Wear- *Pop* Of Color!

 Hey everyone! Today I *gasp* didn't feel like wearing a skirt! It was windy, and felt pretty cold (it wasn't really, 43 deg.) So I opted for a modest approach to jeans: a long sweater! I don't think pants are wrong to wear, but I personally feel uncomfortable in jeans after wearing skirts for so long. They feel tight, constricting and...jean-y! And yes, I made that word up! *GRIN* I have been considering getting some loose fitting slacks (not jeans) with large bell bottoms. Any ideas on where to buy some? I'm thinking black, grey or brown. I've seen some on a couple sites, and they look very feminine and modest. If they'll look that way on me, I don't know.

I've decided I need a closet lift. To me this includes:
  • Getting rid of the 'junk' in my closet that just sits around.
  • Buying neuatral clothes (white shirt, plain easily mixed items)
  • A few 'trendy' new pieces that are cheap (I.E sale clothes, or cheap jewelry)
Would anyone be interested in buying some of my clothes? I wear a size M-to XL depending on how the shirt is made (I.E if the shirts too tight, I go up a size) and a size 6-10 skirt. Let me know. I would be willing to do some deals, but I'd like it to be fair to both me and you.

Blue Thumb Hole Shirt JcPenney ($7) Black Cowl Neck Sweater Kmart ($2) Jeans thrifted ($3.99)
Boots Emu (Gift)
Question: Would you be interested in buying my clothes?

What I Wear- Cpoy-cat Blogger!

Hey everyone! This outfit was actually worn yesterday, and I'm writing this yesterday...but your reading it today..this is getting confusing! Lets simplify: I have this set to post automatically on March 19th! Much better! March 19th also happens to be my youngest sister's birthday! She'll be 11 today! Happy Birthday Patience!

I finally got around to sort of copy-catting Elaine. While I don't usually reccomend copy-catting other Bloggers, in this case its okay-its jewlery! I bought the flowers awhile ago and hadn't gotten around to making the necklace till a few days ago. basically all I did was yank the plastic pieces out of the flower's middle, cut up a piece of fabric into a necklace shape large enough to hold three flowers. Then I hot glued the flowers to the fabric. After that I glued the flowers on I hot glued some pieces of ribbon on for the fastener and 'voila! A statement necklace!
My family thinks it's weird, that's why I'm wearing it...*GRIN* JK! It's like wearing a bit of Spring around your neck! And it's just a tad bit too large, but I'm not really sure how to trim it down at this I guess we'll dub this flower necklace attempt #1! 

Question: What's the most daring/trendy/crazy piece in your closet?

Participating In The Blogger Day Of Silence

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forjapanwithlove_blog1Hello everyone, I will be participating in the Blogger day of silence tomorrow for Japan. Which means I won't be posting.
Please visit: for more info and to donate.

What I Wear- Floral And White

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Here's a change, sepia photo! In the fashion world, this is called "cheating". I forgot to use my "Kiss My Face" wash and lotion this morning, the sunlight against the snow made my eyes water and squint, and my face was all red and looked like someone had beat me up. It's not really called touching it up if you just change the color, is it? Hopefully not...cause I'm doing it anyway! Here is a color photo of my outfit. I promise I'll try to get better pictures next outfit.
White Shirt Target ($3) Floral Tank Top Wal Mart ($1) White Skirt Thrifted ($3.99) Tights Herbergers ($5) Black ballet Flats Payless ($8)

I know there's snow on the ground, and I'm wearing short sleeves...but it was actually really nice outside! Spring-ish in fact! So look out world, Summer's soon! My favorite part of Summer/Spring is the flip flop stage! Gotta love 'em! So comfy and cute!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

 QUESTION: What's your favorite part of Spring?
Here is some art I've been working on as well. I've been enjoying an art DVD called "Drawing realistic portraits from photographs", its given me a better understanding  of shading and I love it!

Monthly Fashion Link Up-April "Anti Frump Month"

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After much thought, I've decided to start a monthly blog link up. Here's the basic rules:
  1. You must have this month's button on your side bar.
  2. You must include a link to my blog in the post you're entering for the month.
  3. You have the entire month to link up.
  4. You don't have to be a follower (though I'd love to have you!)
  5. All outfits must be modest.
  6. Leave your outfit post link in the linky below!
Each month there will be a new theme. Please feel free to comment with theme ideas!
April's Theme: Anti Frump
NOTE: You may enter your link now (for April) since I'll also be hosting the Nancy Drew Fashion week, this will give people time to link up.


YOUR opinion needed! Fashion question...

I have a couple questions for you:
  1. Would you participate in a weekly link up-similair to our modest fashion weeks?(Similair to Elaine's)
  2. Would you participate in a monthly fashion link up?
  3. Would you be willing to do PR for the weekly/monthly link up-buttons, posts, telling people.
Would monthly, or weekly work better for you?
Should there be a theme? If so, what theme?

Really, I'm not joking! I'm looking for input from everyone.

'Spring' Outfit And Japan

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"There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and
great signs from heaven." Luke 21:11

The world seems crazy and upside down right now. My heart goes out to the people of Japan. Living in Montana, we don't get very many earthquakes. We got a small one about four or five years ago, and it scared me so bad. I can remember for weeks after being scared every time there was anything that sounded remotely like an earthquake. There's nothing that can compare to the feeling of the earth shaking under you. You can't go anywhere to get away from it. Last night the people of Japan were experiencing aftershock every two to five minutes! Can you imagine?! But the thing I'd like to tell all of those people in Japan? God loves them! Even in times of trouble we can know He is here. And He does love them! He loves YOU! Please know that if your reading this in Japan, I'm praying for you!
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." Matthew 24:36 I know that lots of people say "God's coming back soon!" Almost every generation, but things are pointing more and more to this. Check out these verses:

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty." 2 Timothy 3:1

"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. These are but the beginning of the birth pains." Mark 13:8

"And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven" Revelation 11:13

Teal Shrug Maurices ($7) White Tank Top Vanity ($5) White Skirt Thrifted ($3.99) Tights Wal Mart ($5) Ballet Flats Payless ($8)

Does this mean God is coming back today, tomorrow, next week? I have no idea! But maybe God's trying to get a hold of people's attention. Am I saying that God wanted all those people to die?! No! He loved each and every person who died. Now is the time to accept Jesus' gift of eternal life! Don't put it off till it's too late! Give Him your heart now.

How do you accept Christ?
Accept His gift of eternal life, that when you die you'll go to be in Heaven with God.
Believe that He (Jesus) died on the cross and did rise again. That He died for YOU! 
Confess that you have sinned, and ask God to forgive you.
Your prayer can be as simple, or as complex as you'd like, just talk to God! Prayer is having a conversation with God.

If you have ANY questions, or you became a Christian just now, please feel free to drop me a comment. (If you'd like your comment kept private please say so)

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